It doesn't seem to matter where I download the ROMs from. Now I just want to know why KEGA fails when I try to launch a 32X game. I didn't fail, you failed because you grabbed everything else instead of just the game screen, so now you'd have to import it into Photoshop and crop out everything else. And yes, Command+Shift+3 is crazy cumbersome. You aren't even doing anything in Space Harrier. Screenshots aren't lame when I need to capture pics for a review. Screen shots are lame anyway, bootleg iShowU by downloading the demo and getting the regkey from youtube, then you can capture video and pull screenshots from the exact frame you want. Me playing Space Harrier and taking a screen shot with Command+Shift+3. They really should work out the bugs before they release it. I also tried downloading 32X BIOS files but that didn't seem to help, either. I am downloading my 32X ROMS from ROMnation.
Shift+Command+3 captures the entire screen and is even more cumbersome than command-S or even Print Screen on Windows. PS3 controller doesn't seem to work on the Mac. I use a USB Xbox 360 controller since I already have it. A button on the controller to press in the heat of the moment gets the best screenshots. Otherwise I have to pause it and pause screens aren't always clean (they may resort to a menu or say PAUSE or whatnot). You can't play the game and press Command-S all at the same time.